Full Moon on the 24th June is typically the last Full Moon of spring or the first of summer and is traditionally called the Strawberry Moon. This is to mark the ripening of “June-bearing” strawberries that are ready to be gathered. As flowers bloom and early fruit ripens, June is a time of great abundance for many.
March 21 - April 20
Jupiter Retrograde cycle occurs in your twelfth house. What you want from love and your desires are very ambiguous and obscure during this cycle. Deal with your past so that you can put it behind you, but don't do it at the expense of your present. Relationships with friends and family will be philosophical. You will be able to cope and move forward through spirituality. Jupiter also rules your solar 9th house of travel, check all the information and then book. Full Moon on the 24th, falls in your 10th and 4th houses, focusing on your Work and home issues. You need to strike the right balance between the two, if you want peace and harmony. Work smartly in order to spend quality time at home.
April 21 - May 21
Jupiter Retrograde cycle occurs in your eleventh house of friendships, groups, and aspirations. Your friendships or associations with groups may be a little strained during this period. You must make good use of the energy that is flowing, by channeling it positively. By making small positive changes, you will be seen in a better light by people around you. This planet also rules your Solar 8th house of shared resources, taxes, alimony and wills and legacies. Around the Full Moon on the 24th, decision making will prove to be a bit of a bind regarding education, travel, legal, or publishing matters.
May 22 - June 21
Focus on essentials and establish a solid foundation. The outlook remains optimistic and brings you a sense of real achievement. With Jupiter retrograde, transiting your career sector, you will want to re-assess whether you are spending too much time at work. Some of you may wish to re-train and do something totally different if your present job is not where you want to be. Time to create a better work-life balance. The Full Moon on the 24th, falls in your financial axis of solar 8th and 2nd houses, highlighting intimate relationships, personal psychology, power dynamics, and joint resources. You need to reassess the future by considering your emotional needs.
June 22 - July 22
An exchange of opinions ought to prove very enlivening at this time. Venus in your sign should help to bring out the best in friends, colleagues and partners alike. As Jupiter is retrograde in your Solar 9th house, be extremely careful as an argument over personal philosophies of life can get you into hot water. There’s no point in obsessing over details. Widen your horizons and try to live in the moment. The Full Moon on the 24th, heightens emotions as it falls in your solar 7th and 1st houses. There can be drama regarding your feelings for someone or relationship needs.
July 23 - August 23
Jupiter retrograde cycle occurs in your eighth house of intimacy, shared resources, and personal transformation. Hold onto your money, work on a budget, and avoid arguments with your loved ones. Don’t be afraid of emotional intimacy. This is a very good time for working on trust issues with people trying to come back into your life. You could also be dealing with past actions or karma. It's time to redefine what it is that you want out of life. The Full Moon on the 24th, heightens emotions and there is often some drama involved. It falls in your solar 6th and 12th houses highlighting health matters, work and behind the scenes activities. You want to improve these areas and have a desire to grow.
August 24 - September 23
Jupiter has gone into retrograde motion for some time to come. This is going to be a time of frustration and re-assessment. It’s all about cultivating patience until the planet goes direct. This is evident mainly in the arena of relationships, but it could also flow over into business partnerships and joint ventures. Do not judge people too early, give them a chance especially when it comes to romance. The Full Moon on the 24th, falls in the solar axis of 5 and 11 in your chart. This lunation can mark a turning point or significant discoveries related to creative pursuits, hobbies, romance, and friendships. You’re striving toward improving these areas to get a more objective view of the pattern of your life.
September 24 - October 23
Jupiter’s Retrograde cycle occurs in your sixth house of work, health, and daily routines. The social aspect of relationships on the job may be strained for the time being. Do your best not to let people get to you. The desire to get on with people around you is very strong in this period. Focusing on your physical wellbeing is very important, be it through diet or exercise regime and some of you will investigate alternative or complementary therapies. Full Moon on the 24th, puts a strong focus on family and career matters. Besides spending more time tending to domestic affairs, the focus should be on finding a balance between your professional life and personal life.
October 24 - November 22
With Jupiter turning retrograde, it's time to realign your thinking and adjust plans accordingly. There may be some waning enthusiasm experienced regarding a romance or creative project, but once you adjust your expectations and take into account the time you have available, to catch your breath. Spiritual and personal growth will come if you make a conscious effort to focus on the positive and deal with whatever is in your path. The Full Moon on the 24th, occurs in your solar 3rd and 9th houses of communication, travel and spiritual knowledge. You have to overcome certain hurdles before you achieve your goals. Others might like your ideas,or you could enjoy the fruition of certain projects.
November 23 - December 21
Jupiter’s Retrograde cycle occurs in your fourth house of home and family. Relations with your family may be a little strained. You might want to wait until Jupiter goes direct before you express your frustrations with family members. Spiritual growth comes from re-visiting your roots and finding out who you are during this retrograde cycle as Jupiter is your ruling planet. Good time to widen your horizons. Around the Full Moon on the 24th, money matters get your special attention. Be careful with your expenditure as you have a tendency to be extravagant, especially as the Full Moon falls in your financial axis. This is an excellent time for dealing with long-term money matters and Simplifying your priorities.
December 22 - January 20
Jupiter’s Retrograde cycle occurs in your third house of communication. People around you may seem insincere. In fact, you may have a hard time getting your ideas across in a warm, genuine manner. In this retrograde period try to fix this by listening a lot more than talking. As Jupiter also rules your solar 12th house, this is an important period in your spiritual growth and it’s vital that you challenge your own boundaries and rules now. The Full Moon on the 24th, heightens your emotions as the focus will be on yourself and your relationships. It's a powerful time for recognizing your feelings. You are likely to experience some tension in close relationships. Use tact and diplomacy to smooth any ruffled feathers.
January 21 - February 19
Jupiter Retrograde cycle occurs in your second house of money and values. Take the time to re-think your sources of income and how you spend your cash during this period, and avoid making any big purchases for a while. Stop complaining about what you want and focus on your inner resources. Jupiter also rules your Solar 11th house of friends, groups and associations. In the retrograde period try to get on with people or create a distance so that you don't fall out. The Full Moon on the 24th focuses on your need for spiritual and emotional sustenance. There are subtle transformations taking shape in your life and this Lunation also highlights your health issues and daily routine.
February 20 - March 20
Jupiter Retrograde cycle occurs in your sign. As Jupiter rules you, this cycle will affect the personal image you project to others. Jupiter also rules your work sector, so tread carefully, and reassess your options. Wait it out. Your desires from love and relationship may be hard to figure out for the time being. You need to be more spiritual and calm now. Some of you will reinvent yourselves so that you come across others more favourably. The Full Moon on the 24th, in your social sector of friendships, networks and groups. Tensions in your social or romantic life can come to a head, and discoveries you make now are emotional and challenging.