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Sneh Joshi's Horoscopes (Sun Signs) Week beg. 24th May 2021

Writer's picture: Yoga With NutanYoga With Nutan

Total Lunar Eclipse (Super Blood Moon) May 26, 2021

Get ready for a rare and lovely cosmic phenomenon on May 26th. Parts of the world are about to experience a total lunar eclipse, which turns the moon a rusty red. A lunar eclipse happens when the moon moves into the Earth's shadow, which blocks the sun's light.


March 21 - April 20

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 26 May, is powerful for gaining perspective on matters related to communications, travel and spiritual knowledge. It signals a time of mixed emotions. Surprises surrounding your siblings, neighbours , or communications are in store. A flurry of activity in your immediate environment or neighborhood that requires attention, is also noticed. Your worldview is changing, and this affects your choices, decisions, and path forward. It prompts you to fit more activities into your life for some mental and physical stimulation.


April 21 - May 21

Be careful with your expenditure as you have a tendency to be extravagant, especially as the Lunar eclipse on the 25 May falls in your financial axis. Something that has been bothering you comes to light, or there is a significant fruition or culmination. This is an excellent time for dealing with long-term money matters. It is a time about ownership and sharing resources. It may be best to avoid lending or borrowing just for now, as there can be a misunderstanding about money. It's important to pay special attention to the emotions that emerge now.


May 22 - June 21

The Full Moon on the 26th is a Lunar Eclipse and falls in your opposite sign. The focus will be on yourself and your relationships. This eclipse can serve as a cosmic push towards recognizing your relationship needs. Your sector of personal appearance, initiative, and "me first" energy is involved. Tension now can drive you to make important changes. Finding a balance between self rule and dependence is what this Lunar Eclipse is about for you. Use tact and diplomacy to smooth any ruffled feathers.


June 22 - July 22

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 26th stimulates your solar axis relating to work, health, and routines or habits which all come into strong focus now. This part of your life is about the compassionate care and attention you give others - self-undoing, privacy, and dreams are

involved. Finding a balance between health concerns and spiritual matters is what this Lunar Eclipse is about for you. You're now ready to correct the imbalance, and developing healthier habits and realizations occurring now can push this process along.


July 23 - August 23

The Full Moon on the 26th is a Lunar Eclipse, awakening issues related to romance, creativity, children, or hobbies. This surrounds your long-term goals, friendships, and group affiliations and possibility of romantic liaisons. A busy social calendar is likely to lead to a hectic time ahead. Once you set your mind on a goal you stay the course no matter what obstacles you encounter. New initiatives should be put on hold, however, aim to wait and see. If you feel a bit drained, you may need some fresh inspiration and try not to let a temporary lack of direction discourage you.


August 24 - September 23

The Full Moon on the 26th is a Lunar Eclipse, magnifying your home and work issues. Finding a better balance between your professional and personal life is an ongoing theme for most of this year. You need to sort it out, if you want peace and harmony. This could manifest, for example, as a career change or challenge that you didn't expect, a new promotion or career direction dropped into your lap, and other such possibilities. The tendency to feel drained of energy or enthusiasm runs high, this serves as a reminder to take a well earned break.


September 24 - October 23

The Full Moon Lunar eclipse on the 26th, falls in your axis, affecting travel and communications. Matters of personal philosophy, faith and travel may be in store. This could manifest as a sudden opportunity to travel or for higher learning. Watch out for processing too much information or for sensory overload. This eclipse reminds you of connecting with your true feelings about what you're learning and communicating. Decision making will be difficult, given your wavering mind. Seek professional advice and then steam ahead.


October 24 - November 22

The Full Moon Lunar eclipse on the 26th falls in your financial axis, highlighting wills, legacies, taxes and joint resources. You need to reassess your future for example, the paying off of a loan, the loss of financial support, a change in your spouse's status, etc. Heightened emotions surrounding money and possessions, as well as personal values, can be a theme, and you need to make changes and improvements that will give you a stronger sense of security, predictability, and safety. Do not allow your emotions to cloud your judgement when making decisions.


November 23 - December 21

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 26th, activates your sign. There will be a lot of things that need to be dealt with regarding partnerships and relationships. There are decisions to be made if something that has been bothering you comes to light. Emotions, feelings, and revelations now are of crucial importance. Try not to jump into something too quickly, or to overstate your feelings. Some of you will want to make changes and reinvent yourselves. However, pay special attention to what is happening around you, as whatever you decide now, will impact your future.


December 22 - January 20

The Full Moon on the 26th is a Lunar Eclipse, highlighting health matters, behind-the-scenes activities and losses. You can use this surge of emotional energy to make positive changes to your life. Do something to improve your work conditions and get going on your exercise or nutrition program that you've been thinking of. This eclipse reminds you of the importance of taking time to recover, balancing your physical health with the care of your emotional health. This is a time for being open to possibilities, but not ideal for locking things down.


January 21 - February 19

The Full Moon lunar eclipse on the 26th falls in the solar axis of your chart, affecting your investments, friendships, children and romantic relationships. Friendships need to be scrutinised carefully. This could manifest, as a romantic proclamation from a lover, a creative project coming to its own conclusions, or your child revealing something significant to you. This eclipse turns your attention to areas of your life that are not functioning normally or properly. Aim to stay active, but avoid excesses for better mental and physical health.


February 20 - March 20

It seems that the winds of change begin to gather momentum, with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 26th. It's another cosmic push towards finding a better balance between family and career matters. Your sector of house and home, property, family, parents, and foundations are involved. This could involve a project that you have been dealing with on the home that demands attention. Comfort, security, and familiarity become important goals as you seek more quiet and escape from a busy pace. Laying down some rules and structures can strengthen you and your loved ones in a big way.

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