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Sneh Joshi's New Year Predictions 2017

Writer's picture: Sneh JoshiSneh Joshi

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March 21 - April 20

Expect life to change dramatically this year. If you are single and looking for a relationship, then 2017 could be the best year to find that someone special. However, this is not a good year for speculative ventures – stay cautious, focused and diligent about your finances. As you rise to the top, beware of over confidence as it could make you unpopular. Take care of your health and get plenty of sleep to boost your energy levels. In spite of Saturn's restriction on your travel and appreciation of higher knowledge, you should embrace change that is meaningful and rewarding.


April 21 - May 21

Neptune’s influence could cause confusion in your friendships. Whilst it is important to respect other people’s opinions, you should try to hold your ground on important issues. 2017 is a year for serious, long-term financial planning. Your confidence levels at work are high which could lead to promotion and a higher income. Jupiter’s influence in your health house should give you high energy levels to cope with your new-found responsibilities. In any discussions, try to hold your ground, whilst being diplomatic and smooth.


May 22 - June 21

Romance will be on your mind this year and for some it is a good time to tie the knot and settle down. Joint finances continue to be under a strain and you may not be able to rely on your partner's support - you will have to supplement your income by other means. With Neptune transiting your solar 10th house of profession, beware it can lull you into a false sense of security - you should strive to achieve the next level at work in spite of your euphoria. With all that is happening around yourself, you should try and have a healthy life style.


June 22 - July 22

Cancer is the sign of home and family. You have strong emotional ties and you are only able to enjoy life to the fullest when you feel secure with your environment. Saturn transits your solar 6th house of job, health and everyday work. You will be more focused on these areas of your life in 2017. During this transit, there may be extra responsibilities which you may not necessarily enjoy. It is important that you learn to delegate the work when you need to. Your relationships can be enriched by thinking positively and being more sociable. This will improve your confidence and self esteem.


July 23 - August 23

Generous, warm and full of life, you’re a natural-born leader, with an excellent sense of loyalty and dignity. Love is a serious game for you this year, especially if you’re currently unattached. Leos who are already involved with a special someone will be thinking about marriage. You will gain a lot in your career depending on how you present yourself. Jupiter transits your solar 3rd house until October - it’s time to focus on written and communication projects like manuscripts, publishing, advertising and websites etc. Health-wise make sure you balance all aspects of your life.


August 24 - September 23

Neptune is influencing your relationships - your partner may come across as mysterious, psychic, or spiritual. Their actions could intrigue and mystify you in equal measure. Whatever the case, you need to pay closer attention to your partner. While Jupiter remains in your solar 2nd house, the focus will be on your finances perhaps leading to a new business or a second stream of income. This transit ends in October, so make the most of your opportunities whilst this phase lasts. The area of your life that requires most attention continues to be home and family.


September 24 - October 23

Uranus in your solar 7th house of relationships creates mischief and unpredictability. Partnerships of any kind need to be worked on that much harder. Expect to meet some colourful characters who will bring about excitement and drama in your life - enjoy this phase whilst it lasts. You will have opportunities to expand your investments through calculated risks. Neptune, the mysterious planet is now transiting your solar 6th house of health. There may be hard to diagnose ailments which could lead you to explore alternative or holistic therapies.


October 24 - November 22

Neptune, the planet of illusion and idealism transits your solar 5th house of love and creativity. You could be wearing rose-tinted glasses as you pursue your love life and this will make it difficult for you to find the perfect partner. At times this will leave you frustrated by your choice. Saturn impacts your finances, but sensible investments may alleviate some of the pressure. You must try and relax by using therapies such as meditation and yoga when you need to recharge your batteries. October to December is the best period to take up a fitness regime for your well-being.


November 23 - December 21

You should expect the unexpected when it comes to love in 2017. Beware of false promises and don’t allow your heart to be broken too easily. With transiting Pluto going through your solar 2nd house of money, finances will have to be structured in a better way. Saturn, the Planet of Discipline will force you to work harder and you’ll be impressed with the results and proud of your accomplishments. You will be very popular and in great demand with a hectic social calendar - be selective and join groups of people for fun who enjoy similar activities to you.


December 22 - January 20

At the start of the year Pluto will do its utmost to bring about a radical lifestyle change where you will learn new things and grow spiritually. Your ruling planet Saturn is transiting your solar 12th house of inner learning, introspection. meditation and karmic debts. If you want your ‘luck’ to improve then you have to be willing to step out of your comfort zone and expand your horizons. These changes are all for the better. Travel is very much on the cards this year - some of you could go on that pilgrimage that is on your bucket list, whilst others will want to pursue higher knowledge.


January 21 - February 19

You will realise that love comes from within and takes time to mature. Unfortunately, not everyone will share your view which is likely to make you feel frustrated and irritable. Beware the transit of Neptune, the planet of illusion in your 2nd house as it is likely to confuse you and draw a false picture of your finances. After October your hard work will be recognised and you will be promoted to a higher level. You are likely to be more intellectually curious this year, and you may have opportunities to travel, study, go abroad, expand your horizons, and meet people from diverse backgrounds.


February 20 - March 20

With Neptune transiting your sign, you have been going through so many personality phases, always taking on the energies of whatever or whoever is around. Because of the illusory character of Neptune your love life will also be rather transient in nature. Jupiter continues to work its way through your 8th house until October, highlighting financial matters such as wills, legacies, alimony, insurance, taxes and the like. You are driven to succeed, but you might feel frustrated when your work is not appreciated - air your grievances as soon as you suspect there is a problem.

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